In the period January 24-28, 2025, our colleagues from the Youth Center in Karlovo hosted an international youth exchange “Green YOUth Change Makers”, funded under the Erasmus+ program. .

During the exchange, young people had a special mission in the city, asking local people whether they consider Karlovo a clean city and what else they want to see improved, filming examples of good environmental practices and polluted areas.They-discussed in mixed groups what everyone, together with friends, family and local community, can do to contribute to a cleaner environment. The participants also cleaned the “Waterfall” park in the town of Karlovo. Ms. Milena Kovacheva- the Head of the Ecology Departmentof Karlovo Municipality introduced them the composting system and the ecological projects run in the area.

The youngsters also had a special mission in the pine forest above the city of Sopot, where they saw the problem with the pine processionary moth, caused by the climate change, the global warming and the artificial afforestation of pine non-native tree species in terrains uncharacteristic for them. The participants also visited the office of the Central Balkan National Park in the town of Kalofer, where they learned about the difference between geoparks, nature parks, national parks, biosphere reserves, and got acquainted with the flora and fauna of the Central Balkan National Park and the centuries-old beech forests, part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The guests from Romania shared good environmental practices in their country, one of which is the deposit system for buying back all recyclable packaging. The system has been operating for two years now, and citizens regularly return their plastic and glass bottles and packaging.

More information about the project can be found on the Youth Center Karlovo’s Facebook page:



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