What We Do

Empower Young Voices

We empower young voices by providing platforms and partnering with young people to build together more open, inclusive and resilient communities.

Influence Policy Makers

We introduce impactful research on international policymaking, and provide a unique understanding of conflict dynamics through opinion leadership.

Leading a Movement

We are building a movement. Our network aims to bring together and inspire other civil societies and multiplying our impact in that way.

About Anna Lindh Foundation

The Anna Lindh Foundation focuses its intercultural action around three pillars: Empowering young voices; Influencing policymakers; Building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.


Metamorphosis in Education

As part of the program “Model Schools”, led by the foundation Teach for Bulgaria, the team of teachers from St. St. Cyril and Methodius Primary School – Haskovo, Bulgaria, took part in a yearly meeting Read more…

“EPharmony” project

At the end of each of our projects, we say to our team, “Good job, this project was the best!” and think that it couldn’t get any better. Well, this time it is! A different Read more…