In commemoration of the United Nations’ Week of Religious Tolerance and Harmony, “Bridges – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue” orchestrated a captivating interfaith art performance titled “Gift of LOVE.” This distinguished event unfolded on February 9th within the hallowed halls of Plovdiv’s Bishop’s Cathedral, a site steeped in historical and spiritual significance since Roman antiquity. Today, it stands as a testament to harmony and tranquillity, attracting tourists worldwide with its meticulously preserved Roman mosaic floors.

Under the esteemed patronage of Her Excellency Ambassador Andrea Ikić-Böhm and bolstered by the generous financial backing and collaboration of the Embassy of the Republic of Austria, this performance served as a conduit for fostering connections among youth from diverse backgrounds. Guided by the shared values of creativity and religious tolerance, participants transcended religious divides to celebrate unity and mutual understanding.

Adopting the thematic elements of the year 2024—embodied by the colour “peach fuzz” and the artistic style of the Renaissance—the performance aimed to evoke a collective awakening to humanity’s most cherished virtues: love, cooperation, empathy, and understanding, all underpinned by a reverence for spirituality’s enduring influence on global harmony.

The event brought together 56 youth participants representing various religious and spiritual expressions, including Armenian, Muslim, Christian Orthodox, Catholic, Buddhist, and pagan traditions, all united under the banner of the “Bridges children” community. Through a diverse array of artistic mediums—paintings, dances, musical performances, and poetry—participants conveyed messages of love to God, love to “the other”, compassion for fellow beings, and solidarity with individuals across the globe. The collective rendition of “We Are the World” served as a poignant testament to their shared commitment to global solidarity and interfaith cooperation.

For a visual depiction of the “Gift of Love” event, please refer to the accompanying video accessible via the provided link:

More information about “Gift of LOVE” you can see on the Facebook:


Categories: Opportunities


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