United Nations Week of Religious Harmony is celebrated once again in Bulgaria with a performance of prominent young talents of the Bridges association
On 12.02.2023, the St. Joseph Catholic Parish in Sofia hosted the performance “Palette of PEACE” – the children of BRIDGES, which aimed to build bridges between the creativity of young people, universal human values, harmony between different religions and most – already to turn our gaze to that mysterious feeling that the spiritual strengthens the world.
Association “East European Forum for Dialogue – Bridges” for another year initiated and organized an intercultural event on the occasion of the World Interfaith Harmony Week (WIHW), with which it declared its candidacy for one of the three awards of the King of Jordan for events from around the world Tolerance Week aims to be a platform for dialogue and to engage the public of different faiths in common actions and dialogue that bring to the fore common human values.
For all those who could not be part of the event, but want to touch the art of the “Bridges children”, here is the professional video, with moments from the performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZGpQX5mxes
You can see an album with photos on the association’s page here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.558470699650464&type=3