Association International Initiatives for Cooperation hosted an event on April 25, 2024, organized by our colleagues from the “Bulgarian Youth Association”, Sofia, who are also long-term members of the National Network Anna Lindh Bulgaria. Together we organised a workshop for young people in our office in the city of Razlog. The facilitators of the event were Christian Andreev, who founded the “Bulgarian Youth Association”  (BYA)in 2014 and Maria Stoilova, a pedagogue and a psychologist.  BYA is anothera model for a working youth organization. It maintains one of the most active social media groups related to youth opportunities for development. The topic of the workshop was discrimination among young people in a school environment and it sparked the interest of the young people who joined the workshop. The young people shared that the activities we had prepared for them were very interesting, different and not burdensome. Apart from the fact that the young people participated with pleasure in the workshop, they also created new contacts. After the workshop, each participant received a certificate of participation, which they can use in the future. It was a pleasure to work together with colleagues with whom we share similar values ​​and approaches for working with youngsters. We are open to such collaborations with all members of the national network Anna Lindh Bulgaria.

The name of the project in which the workshop was implemented:  LET’S TALK!, financed by “Erasmus+” Programme. The guidebook „DIGITAL HANDBOOK FOR YOUTH-WORKERS: ADDRESSING BULLYING AGAINST LGBTQIA+INDIVIDUALS IN HIGH SCHOOLS“ is published on the resource centre platform.


#Bulgarian Youth Association


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