At the end of each of our projects, we say to our team, “Good job, this project was the best!” and think that it couldn’t get any better.

Well, this time it is! A different project “EPharmony” has ended, after which we feel calm and extremely satisfied. We chose the village of Banya, Razlog municipality, as a location for the project, a collection of small settlements with beautiful nature and modern spa facilities that our participants could use in their free time. We had the right local partners who were very easy to work with, we had extremely clean and well-maintained outdoor spaces available for the outdoor activities, the weather was great and of course we were privileged to have the best participants imaginable.

We had tried too. We have prepared activities giving a lot of new knowledge and at the same time working to build harmony between body and mind. We had external speakers who shared their experience and knowledge with us. Iva Parapunova gave us useful tips and a lot of new knowledge about proper nutrition, Aksinia and Martina from Lotus Vibe were with us at Tai-Chi, dance meditation and aerial yoga sessions, Marijana Yanchovičina showed us how to be creative, helped us make beautiful coffee and tea cups and gave us a magical reiki session. There was no way we could be surrounded by three mountains and deprive our participants of a walk in nature. We had a very special time at the “Veterani” hut in Rila mountain. We had emotional moments while everyone made their own collage describing their life and while we were looking for answers to problems accompanying our daily lives. Sometimes people meet at the right place at the right time.

We think that our project “EPharmony” brought together the right people in the right place at the right time!

Project “Epharmony” was implemented for the period 26 – 30 June in the village of Banya, municipality of Razlog, thanks to our Erasmus Accreditation in the “Youth” sector and was financed by the “Erasmus +” program of the European Union.



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