As a Eurodesk point for the region, the Youth Information Center-Karlovo launched the European Youth Week (April 12-19, 2024) with an information meeting with young people from the municipal advisory council on youth issues.

The manager of the Youth Center – Tsvetina Zakharlieva presented to the young people the European youth programmes – the “Erasmus+” programs, Eurodesk, the “Discover EU” initiative and the EURES and SALTO platforms with useful information on finding a job and training opportunities in the EU.

The young people learned more about the main institutions of the European Union and the decision-making processes in the EU and why it is important to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections, which in Bulgaria will be held on June 9, 2024, together with the extraordinary parliamentary elections.

The information campaign of the Youth Center is under the title “Be active! Vote for your better future!”.

Further informational meetings and distribution of information leaflets and materials among young people of voting age are to come. Even if some of the young people are underage and cannot vote on these elections, it is important that they are informed and convey to their parents, relatives and friends why we should vote and choose who will represent us in national and European decision-making bodies.

The participants in the meeting also tested the simulation game of the European Parliament, through which they get to know the decision-making processes at the European level in an interactive way.

You can find more information for activities of Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley in their Facebook page:



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